Why Meditate?

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Like waves in the ocean, we don’t have control over what happens to us in life. I’ve spent a lot of my years avoiding, numbing, and distracting myself in order to cope with the oncoming waves. I realized I’ve been putting on band-aids for my wounds, unable to find a lasting solution. I found this in mindfulness and meditation.

Not a fad, not a band-aid.

Alter your brain and your life, for good.

 “Hannah and I have been meditating together for five months or so, and it’s been a joyous and amazing experience… Before I met her, I had a hard time meditating on my own, but her wisdom and ability to have insight made me feel like she is just talking to me.

So I wanted to do it more. 

I’ve never been more connected with my subconscious and always look forward to learning more about myself when I’m in Hannah’s class.”

Devin Bousquet, Lead UX Designer, Warner Music Group






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A Powerhouse.

Mindfulness is a state of awareness generated by choosing to acknowledge what is happening in the present moment with a sense of curiosity instead of judgement. It allows us to respond rather than react. This begets insight, insight begets wisdom, wisdom begets a happier life.

Mindfulness is learning how to surf.

When we practice, we can see our direct experience (what is actually happening) without getting carried away by the undertow of our thoughts and emotions. This makes mindfulness a powerhouse, enabling you to surf gracefully through the storms of life. It doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort, it will. I will help you get there.

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Meditation is a tool for mindfulness. It can be practiced anywhere, anytime, by anyone of any age, any belief system, race, economic class, gender, sexual orientation, political bias, ability/disability - everyone. The benefits are scientifically proven. And guess what?

You can’t fail at meditation.

People come to meditation with good intentions, usually. But there’s a lot of misconceptions about it that end up causing frustration and feelings of failure. Don’t let these misconceptions deprive you of this healing practice.

Let me show you my approach that will make you WANT to practice.

A word about Trauma.

Meditation can be practiced by anyone as I said earlier, but if you suffer from severe trauma I recommend that you consult with your therapist or trauma professional beforehand. Special care must be taken for those who have PTSD before they try meditation.

“First and foremost I want to emphasize how inspiring it is to be in Hannah’s presence. She is genuine and present and honest. She creates a comfortable, open, safe space for each individual. Expect to be guided through each session with not only compassion but an opportunity to go deeper into your practice. I feel fortunate to have experienced her wisdom and grace within this lifelong mindfulness practice. “

Kaelie Barcus, Artist & Yoga Nidra Instructor

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Train Your Brain. Change Your Life.

Let’s talk about the next step, book a free consultation.

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