Groups and Corporate.

 The Presence of Speaking

“If the last person in the last row can’t hear you or connect with you, you’re not doing your job.”

Bonnie Raphael, Professor of Dramatic Art, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

That is what my former and revered voice professor, Bonnie Raphael, would say in class. It’s totally etched into my brain.

After 15 years of professional acting in New York City, I would say I’ve earned my chops. Being in front of an audience excites me, it’s my playground.

I keep this presence while holding space as a meditation and mindfulness teacher.

“Hannah’s warm and welcoming spirit shows through in her teachings. As a mindfulness teacher, Hannah is like a friendly tour guide leading the way through our inner landscape, providing creative descriptors of present-moment experience such as touch and sound, and giving insightful recommendations for effecting deep connection.

Hannah’s ability to skillfully guide her students through this landscape is a testament to her dedicated practice, knowledge of mindfulness and to her own rich inner world.” 


Dan McFadden, Meditation Teacher at

Dan McFadden, Meditation Teacher at

“Meditating in a group is very powerful. The shared intention of the group elevates each individual. When one or more gather with the intention to heal and grow, great shifts can occur.”

Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times bestselling author and motivational speaker

artist painted hands.jpg

Workforce | Artists | Parents


Families | Couples | Wellness



In working together I provide:

  • An environment that is safe and comfortable for all individuals

  • Skillful awareness in holding space for both the inward, personal experience as well as the shared experience

  • A practice that is aligned with the group’s UNIQUE needs and goals

  • Meditations or mindful movement (gentle yoga) or both

  • Material to help understand what they are doing and why

  • Motivation to sustain their practice



  • CORPORATE: Helps to reduce stress of employees and increase wellbeing and productivity

  • COUPLES: Creates deeper connection, compassion and intimacy

  • FAMILIES: Fosters cultivation of empathy and better active listening abilities

  • PARENTS: Helps manage stress levels, promotes calmness, self awareness, compassion and creative thinking


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